
Technical Support

FH Designs provides technical support to development programs in a range of ways. Our specialists cover a variety of thematic areas, including WASH, GeDSI, Humanitarian response and infrastructure. We are able to provide technical input in these areas to program design, M&E, as well as specific advice to program implementation.

Our consultants have held both short- and long-term roles providing technical support to programs in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. For example, our two directors are both WASH specialists and have (and continue to hold) long term positions as WASH Specialists on DFAT’s flagship WASH Programs (Civil Society WASH Fund (2012-2018), and Water for Women (2019 – 2025).

FH Designs’ consultants have provided GeDSI specialist support to a variety of DFAT programs, including the Timor-Leste BESIK Program (2009 – 2015) and Water for Women, as well as numerous short-term M&E consultancies for both DFAT and a range of international NGOs.

FH Designs’ humanitarian specialists have been contracted to support both DFAT design processes (e.g. Pacific Prepare) and evaluations.