
Program and Project Design

Typically, FH Designs’ consultants began their careers as development practitioners, working and living in developing countries at a grass-roots level. As a result, our knowledge of development principles is well founded and based on realistic assessments of what works and what doesn’t. This foundation has stood us in good stead as we have been asked to advise on or assist with the design of programs and projects for a wide range of clients. We have managed or contributed to investment designs for DFAT, multilateral organisations and international NGOs throughout the Pacific, Asia and Africa. We have been involved in a wide range of design assignments and have a particularly strong track record in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). An example was the design of Phase 2 of DFAT’s AUD100 million Civil Society WASH Fund (CS WASH).

FH Designs also has extensive experience of conducting analytical studies and applied research to inform design processes and strategy/policy development. For example, FH Designs conducted two multi-country studies of the impact and sustainability of sanitation investments in Africa for Plan International; and a sustainability study of the WASH sector in PNG for the World Bank. FH Designs has been pre-selected to provide design expertise for both Australia’s and New Zealand’s aid programs.